dimanche 29 mars 2015

Testimonies of the guest book which two are so cute!

All rights reserved - Matteo
Let's talk about the preview of Espérance Pham Thai Lan's film "Plus belle sera la chute"(The more beautiful they come)  at La Maison des Auteurs 7 rue Ballu 75009 Paris in France.

To the delight of all participants of this short who have invested it, more than eighty-two-hundred people were able to see "Plus belle sera la chute" (The more beautiful they come) which at least one fifth has written a comment in our guestbook.

We'll publish some of them to share with you but today we show you Matteo's and Jacques's drawings, two of our younger viewers, Matteo,  is five and half years old and Sylvain Charbonneau's son, the actor ( Gerard in the film) and Jacques is seven and half years old and one of the nephews of the President of la B.O..
All rights reserved - Jacques
Enjoy them:-)

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