All rights reserved La B.O.-Photographer Romain Ufarte |
The French director, Espérance received a text message from one of her best friends (part of
KissBankers) who saw the movie "When Day Breaks" in the "Maison des auteurs". Impossible not to share it and it is great way to show you as
comments go along from viewers.
Lieutenant's daughter in "When Day Breaks" |
"Congratulations for your work! I liked everything: the script, your
way of filming, the actors, your pretty voice in the song and I was
moved to recognize you as little girl in the picture ! We would like
sometimes back in the past and relive a day surrounded by our loved ones,
play hopscotch in the playground, lulled us by the carelessness of
Thank you for this beautiful interlude! Your energy, your optimism,
your joy of living are good! I adore you! I wish you full of
happiness. Big kisses. Fanfan. "
Press attaché of LA B.O.
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