mardi 14 avril 2015

What is the link between the "Molières 2015" and "Plus belle sera la chute" (The more beautiful they come)?

It's Nathalie Mann.

Because she was in "La Grande Nouvelle" (The Great New) staged by Philippe Adrien, allowing her to be nominated for the Molières 2015 and at the same time had the role of Jennifer in "Plus belle sera la chute" (The more beautiful they come), the Espérance Pham Thai Lan's short.
All rights reserved - La B.O.
Nathalie will compete for the category of female Revelation with five actresses:
Éléonore Arnaud, Roxane Duràn, Gaëlle Billaut-Danno,Valentine Galey  and Marie Rémond.

Photographer : Nathalie GUYON
The ceremony will take place Monday, April 27, 2015 at 22:15 on France 2 and Nicolas Bedos will present the 27th night of Molières in true maestro.

La B.O., CréaT, the artistic and technical team of "Plus belle sera la chute" (The more beautiful they come) combine to congratulate Nathalie being nominated and wish her good luck.

Nathalie Mann and Alexis Moncorgé (Jean Gabin's grand-son) at Folies bergères, D-day :-)
Alexis Moncorgé, Jean Gabin's grand-son, Folies Bergères
Photographer: Bertrand Rindoff Petroff

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